New Address, Same Mission!

Welcome! This is All Relations Reiki's unabashedly ailurophilic e-commerce arm, offering solutions for your cat behavior problems from cat doctors, cat rescuers and fosterers, animal behaviorists and animal communicators.

I'll be doing exclusive interviews with these experts, and combing the Web for the best snippets of advice from the most authoritative sources....and adding a few tips from my own years of cat-herding along the way.

Why am I doing this? Pretty simple, really. My cat-loving friends and I have seen far too many wonderful cats abandoned to shelters -- or worse, left out in the wild to fend for themselves -- because their caregivers didn't know where to turn for answers to their cat behavior problems. What can I do in helping to prevent this? Well - I can start by gathering all the resources and references I can find to give better alternatives!

So - welcome! Please don't hesitate to add your comments, insights, experiences, thoughts and suggestions!
